Veolia Water Technologies Middle East showcases solutions for wastewater treatment and water reuse at Global Water Expo

Illustrated by Veolia's innovative Green Up strategic program, our clients can decarbonize, regenerate, and depollute their water treatment facilities in line with Saudi Vision 2030 of Saudi Arabia.

Veolia Water Technologies (VWT) Middle East recently participated in the Global Water Expo in Riyadh, showcasing cutting-edge solutions designed to tackle wastewater treatment and promote water reuse—critical aspects for achieving sustainability in Saudi Arabia. Through its innovative Green Up strategic program, Veolia helps clients decarbonize, regenerate, and depollute water systems in line with Saudi Vision 2030.


Decarbonation: helping clients reduce environmental impact 

One of Veolia’s core strategies is helping clients reduce their carbon footprint by optimizing wastewater treatment processes and leveraging renewable energy sources. Veolia’s Biothane anaerobic digestion technology converts organic matter from wastewater into biogas, a renewable energy source. This helps reduce carbon emissions and contributes to the energy self-sufficiency of wastewater treatment plants. Clients utilizing Biothane technology benefit from both sustainability and operational efficiency. Another impactful solution presented during this event was Veolia’s Hubgrade digital solution that empowers clients to optimize their water and wastewater treatment facilities. By providing real-time performance insights, Hubgrade allows facilities to minimize energy consumption and reduce their overall carbon footprint.

Client Testimonial: Alfanar’s Success Story

At the Global Water Expo, Veolia proudly received a testimonial from its client Alfanar, represented by Mr. Desoukey and Mr. Bakry. They shared how Veolia’s innovative technologies helped Alfanar efficiently treat wastewater and reuse it for irrigation on 5 different wastewater treatment plant. This project demonstrates how Veolia supports its clients in meeting the sustainability goals outlined in Saudi Vision 2030.

Regeneration: water reuse and conservation

Veolia’s solutions help clients regenerate valuable water resources, essential for regions like Saudi Arabia, where water scarcity is a major concern.

  • Packaged plant with MBBR technology: Veolia’s packaged plant utilizes Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) technology, a biological treatment process that efficiently treats wastewater in decentralized locations.These packaged plants provide an effective and flexible solution for smaller communities or industrial sites to treat wastewater and safely reuse the water, reducing the reliance on fresh water sources.
  • TSE Polishing Plant with UF/RO: Veolia’s Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) Polishing Plant incorporates Ultrafiltration (UF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) technologies to further treat and purify wastewater, making it suitable for high-quality reuse in irrigation and industrial applications. This advanced system ensures that water can be reused safely, supporting the water reuse objectives outlined in Saudi Vision 2030.

Depollution: Protecting and Purifying Water Resources

Veolia’s depollution technologies focus on removing pollutants from water, ensuring its safety and sustainability for various uses.

Hydrex™ Chemical Solutions: The Hydrex™ Chemicals Program provides tailored chemical solutions that help optimize wastewater treatment processes by removing contaminants, controlling corrosion, and enhancing overall plant performance. Hydrex solutions ensure clients can manage water quality while protecting their assets. By combining chemistries, equipment and services, our programs can ensure the long-term safety and resilience of installations while reducing their environmental impact and total operating costs

By focusing on decarbonation, regeneration, and depollution, Veolia Water Technologies is helping clients in the Middle East green their operations and achieve sustainable water management. The solutions presented at the Global Water Expo illustrate Veolia’s commitment to promoting water reuse and advanced wastewater treatment technologies.

For more information on how our solutions can help green your business, contact one of our experts today.